As me and my group went outside, our goal was to find a good microhabitat and when we did find it we saw a very small feather, lots of dead leafs, lots of pine straws, a stick, some grass, and a couple of thorns. And above is a picture of my microhabitat.
Category Archives: Personal
Final Copy Of Expository Essay
Oh-my-gosh-she-made-me-drop-my-bookbag. Sometimes trying to get along with other students at school is like trying to mix milk and Ketchup. {However, getting along with everyone is very important, especially inside and outside the classroom].
T- Getting along with students inside the classroom is sometimes hard. E- The first reason is make sure you communicate with everybody. X-Because if you see somebody getting bullied and you don’t ever talk to that kid and stand up for him, then he is most likely going to think that you are a bully just like them. Especially if you laugh with the bullies. Also if you communicate with students, it will prevent bad things like Detentions, SAC, and the worst school suspension.E- The second reason is sometimes you have ignore bad behavior. X- If you don’t ignore it, it could tempt you, and in the future if you get tempted to do other things, you could be tempted to do drugs, alcohol, then if you still let them tempt you, you could eventually get tempted to jump off a cliff or an mountian and most likely you are not going to survive unless you are a superhuman. Because if you let people tempt you, you could die in the long run, that is why ignoring bad behavior is very important.
T- Getting along with students outside of the classroom can also be hard, and I know some of yall are asking a question inside of your head and it is why should I get along with students in the first place? E- You should always get along with students outside of school, even though it might be hard you still need to do that. X- The reason why getting along with students outside of the classroom is important, is because did you know that 4440 deaths happen a year because of bullying. Without bullying there would be more people living on planet earth. So that is why it is important to STOP BULLYING!!!! E- Listen up now this is very important, I know it might not be important to you but you have to realize how many deaths happen every year because of this. X- There is a phrase that to me is very important, it is called STAND UP FOR OTHERS!!! And to me, if you see somebody getting bullied, you need to approach the bully or bullies and say man, that is not cool to laugh at him you need to treat others the way you want to be treated.
C- That is a couple of reasons on how to get along with students inside and outside of the classroom. I hope you really take this seriously because if you don’t you just might not realize what you have really done to that person you bullied.
Adopt An Element
Project Social Studies
Jehovah’s Witness
Jehovah’s Witness are people that have their own beliefs of the Bible. Jehovah’s Witness don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of their beliefs that is why they are made fun of.
One reason the Jehovah’s Witness are persecuted was the way they believed in different ways of the Bible. They were thinking of ideas and decided to recreate the Bible in the way Jehovah’s Witness believe. People ridiculed them for that reason. Another example is that the choice of Jehovah’s Witness clothing wear. Because they wear clothes that Christians do and so we make fun of them.
One other reason that Jehovah’s Witness are made fun of is because they don’t believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And so one example of that is they don’t believe the Lord Jesus Christ made the Heavens and Earth. Because they just think that they just popped up in one certain place and stayed there. And another example is that Jehovah’s Witness don’t believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming down one day sometime to come and get all the Christians and take them home one day. And that is what Jehovah’s Witness are all about and why they were made fun of a long time ago in past times.
All Information found on WWW. History.Com
Best Gift Given
The best gift I gave somebody was a toy fire truck to my cousin Garrett Ingram on Christmas Day. And when I gave the present to him, It made me feel so good because the way I think of things is because some people don’t get anything for Christmas. It made me feel good to put a hand on somebody. When I saw his face he was so happy that he got him something very cool from his Uncle Jacob. The way I think of the phrase ‘’It is better to give than to receive’’ is because it is better to give than to receive because some people don’t get anything for Christmas and when I give I have put a hand on somebody’s heart.
Sparkling sentences
My dad drove my family to the huge 5 star Greenville Hotel in Dallas, Texas.
5th Grade Refelections
I learned Counting decimals in 5th grade, adding fractions, and to focus more on my work.
I strugled with history of the United States, I stugled with dividing decimals, and dividing fractons.
What supprised me was how fun 5th grade is, how nice the teahers are, and how they understand us.
Things that dissipointed me was some of the work, how tired I get in class sometimes, and how little I try sometimes.